Free energy audits are available to rural small businesses. Click here to find out how your business can get one!
Audit Types
On-site energy audit
This type of audit focuses on one or more energy systems and will be done completely on site. The audit team will arrive in the morning, examine utility bills, meet with company personnel and request a plant tour, examine energy consuming equipment and processes, collect energy data, and determine energy saving recommendations. This type of audit will typically be a single day assessment including energy analysis and diagnostics.
Off-Site energy audit
This type of audit will require the client to fill in data with respect to specific energy systems and send the information to the audit team electronically. The template that the assessment team has developed for specific energy systems should be completed by the client company. The audit team will examine the submitted data and generate energy saving recommendations based on sound engineering practices, analysis, and discussion with the client by phone or via the internet.
Agricultural Producer Audit
This type of audit will be an on-site audit with preliminary data collection including energy bills and a compilation of the individual building characteristics such as size, description of wall construction and insulation. The agricultural audit assessment template should be completed prior to the audit. The audit will typically consist of a single day visit by the audit team to assess the condition of each building and the energy using equipment.