Financial $tability PartnershipTM of the River Cities and its Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will host One Economy’s van this week at Marshall University. The van will be at the Memorial Student Center from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 14 through Feb. 17.
Nationally, United Way has partnered with the Walmart Foundation, One Economy and the National Disability Institute to increase the number of tax filers that utilize free tax filing options by combining traditional Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) efforts with self-preparation tools.
Free tax preparation services are also available at for those wanting to prepare their own taxes.
The Financial $tability PartnershipTM received a grant of $35,000 to invest in the River Cities’ community efforts. The van will be in the Huntington area from Feb. 13 to March 2 at multiple locations.
Last year, the Financial $tability PartnershipTM filed more than 1,000 tax returns through the VITA and programs. This saved the community more than $210,000 in filing and preparation fees and generated more than $1.1 million in refunds. Those figures represent an increase of over 125 percent from the previous tax filing season.
For more information about the Financial $tability PartnershipTM of the River Cities or the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, contact Ed Davis at 304-523-8929, ext. 6, or